Is HPV Associated With Fertility?


What is known as HPV (Human papillomavirus)?

The HPV infects surface cells (epithelial cells) on the genital or oral mucous membranes and other parts of the skin, such as feet or hands. Any contact of those areas with an individual who has the infection could lead to transmission.

Is there any relationship between HPV and Fertility?

When this infection is left untreated, many (STDs) sexually transmitted diseases can source to infertility problems. However, HPV shouldn’t influence your ability to perceive. Although you may have heard that HPV can source to infertility in women and men. That’s usually not the case. Some strains of HPV can develop a risk of cervical cancer. Removing precancerous cells and cancerous cells from the cervix can affect fertility.

Can HPV treatment affect a woman’s fertility?

HPV infections don’t always need treatment. If your medicinal practitioner decides that they need to take out abnormal cells then they will use one of the following procedures:

  • Cryotherapy or eliminating and freezing the abnormal tissue
  • A loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) which includes removing cells with a wire that transfers an electrical charge
  • A cone biopsy to remove part of the cervix

These processes can influence your capability to conceive or lead full-term in your pregnancy. This is due to cell extraction that can lower your cervical mucus production.

It can also cause stenosis or shortening the opening of the cervix. This may provoke sperm to slow and make it more challenging for an egg to get fertilized.

Various treatments can also cause the cervix to weaken. While this will not lead to infertility or problem becoming pregnant, it can cause cervical insufficiency which can make your cervix widen and thin before your gestation has come to term.

Can An HPV influence a man’s fertility?

One of the studies has found out that men who are infected with HPV semen can experience infertility. If HPV- infected sperm germinates an egg, it can increase the chance of early miscarriage. Research also found out that HPV-infected semen could contribute to couple and male infertility.

In 2015, study found out that HPV has a negative effect on semen motility. However, some research on the outcomes of HPV in men is important to determine whether these are compatible findings.

What are the takeaways?

For most women and men, HPV should not affect their possibilities of conceiving. Although it is possible that HPV could lead to infertility in men, it is to be researched more deeply. Nevertheless, sexually engaged women should speak with their medical experts about current HPV screening guidelines. Also if you are not trying to conceive you should use a condom during the sexual activity to minimize your possibilities of spreading or contracting HPV.

This entry was posted in Women's Health and tagged HPV, HPV and Fertility, infertility in women, sexually transmitted diseases, women’s health.