What is medical abortion?

Medical abortion is a non-invasive pregnancy termination process. It involves terminating your early pregnancy using certain abortion pills.

What are the abortion pills available for me?

A drug combination of the anti-progesterone pill and prostaglandin pills successfully ends an early pregnancy if met the eligibilities and criteria. The following pills are available with us which can help you end the pregnancy.

Anti Progesterone pills:
  • Mifepristone
  • Mifeprex
  • Generic RU 486
Prostaglandin pills:
  • Misoprostol
  • Cytolog

Do I need to have a prescription letter to buy abortion pills?

Yes. Home abortion Rx requires women to submit a prescription letter while purchasing the pills from our website. Please read our prescription policy for further details.

How should I take abortion pills?

For the first pill- (Mifepristone / Mifeprex / Generic RU 486)
-Take it orally with water.
For the second pill ( Misoprostol/ Cytolog)
-Keep in the cheek pouches and let it remain there 30 minutes. Swallow the remainders.
-Insert in the vagina and let it remain there for 30 minutes

What will I experience after taking the pregnancy termination pills?
  • Stomach Cramps
  • Heavy bleeding
Will there be any side effects?
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Mild fever
  • Chest pain