At What Stage Of Pregnancy Is Abortion Safe?


People who are not aware of the medical abortion procedure always label it unsafe which is untrue. A home medical abortion procedure is indeed a safe procedure for ending an unwanted pregnancy. However, you must follow the instructions given for terminating the pregnancy using abortion pills. For this, the stage at which your pregnancy decides if your abortion will be safe or not, this blog explains at what stage of pregnancy is abortion safe.

The stage of pregnancy where medical abortion is considered safe:

Medical abortion is known to be a method for ending an early pregnancy of the first trimester. Typically an unwanted pregnancy up to 9 weeks of gestation is considered eligible for medical abortion. For any pregnancy after 9 weeks of pregnancy gestation, you can go with the surgical abortion method among other abortion options.

Why is pregnancy gestation in the medical termination procedure?

When your pregnancy is in the first-trimester stage, the pregnancy is in the embryo or fetus stage. By this, it means that you may only have blood clots in the uterus. It is not developed to a major extent and hence it becomes easier to remove the pregnancy tissues using safe abortion pills.

Also, abortion pills are formulated in a way that ends an unwanted and early pregnancy effectively. For pregnancy more than 63 days of gestation, abortion pills will not work and the termination procedure will result in incomplete medical abortion. Hence it is important that you end the pregnancy at an early abortion stage.

Are there any other factors that determine the safety of medical pregnancy termination?

Yes, the gestation of pregnancy is not the only factor that plays a role in understanding if the medical abortion is safe for a woman. Hence experts suggest consulting a physician for safe home abortion. Without a prescription form, a healthcare provider ending an unwanted pregnancy can have risks or complications in the procedure.

The following are the factors that can contribute to deciding the eligibility of medical abortion:

  • Your age is not less than 18 years.
  • The pregnancy is not ectopic.
  • You do not have an allergy to any of the components present in the abortion pills.

If you fit in the conditions given above, medical abortion can be called safe for you. However, consult your doctor for any changes in the dosage format.

If followed the above format and guidelines of medical termination of pregnancy, your medical abortion procedure will happen with no or least complications involved. The success of medical abortion has been 98% in the world.

Where can you buy abortion pill online safely?

By reading this blog you may have understood the effective and proper stage of going for an abortion but what about buying the abortion pills. This is the main part where you have to be cautious and careful. However, we can help you out to buy Mifeprex abortion pill online from our website, with shipping facilities such as express shipping, overnight shipping, etc. we also have secure payments options which will enable you to buy abortion pills online safely.

Posted in Abortion Pill Information, Medical Abortion | Tagged buy Abortion Pills online, buy Mifeprex abortion pill online, eligibility for abortion, home medical abortion procedure, Stage of pregnancy |