COVID-19 and Abortion: Why we need to help Women’s right to abortion in health crises

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Healthcare is as global as it is local. Be it severe cancer treatments or end an unwanted pregnancy, a lot of women travel around the world to get the safest possible solutions.  The present COVID-19 pandemic situation, however, has affected traveling, thereby affecting healthcare access. 

This blog sheds light on abortion and COVID-19 by understanding why women should be getting home abortion access during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

COVID-19 spread- 

The effect of COVID-19 is brutally severe and fatal. If women went out during such a situation, the disease is likely to spread. Be it ending the pregnancy or continuing it, going out at clinics has become riskier than before. Hence, to avoid such outspread, women should stay home and abort unwanted pregnancies if required. 


The lockdown situation has sealed the boundaries of many countries in the world. Women who would otherwise travel for abortion services are left with no other options. Even if the woman travels ensuring all safety and social distancing, adequate abortion services are unavailable in many areas. As a result, the pregnancy will grow and enter the second-trimester wherein undergoing abortion is even more difficult. 

Mental stress- 

A growing unwanted or unplanned pregnancy can lead to mental stress in an already negative environment. Even the couples who had planned the pregnancy are considering abortion option due to financial up-downs and global markets shut down. Since the situation is uncertain, the couples do not want to raise the child in such situations. 

Safe abortion access- 

Since at-clinic abortion is not possible during such coronavirus pandemic, medical termination of pregnancy is the only safe alternative to surgical abortion. Without moving out of the house, women can administer abortion pills at home and end the pregnancy on their own. 

Online guidance- 

Unlike in many other methods, women can seek online help for terminating an unwanted pregnancy. If the pregnancy is within 9 weeks of gestation, and after the medical history is being understood, healthcare experts can guide women with the safe medical abortion procedure. Even the prescription can be given online since the situation is of emergency amid COVID-19 outspread. 

Online pharmacies:

Since logistics and medicine facilities come under the necessary services, they are open. Hence, women can buy abortion pills online and get the medications at home. They do not have to go out at local pharmacies in the search of safe pregnancy termination medicines. 

When women get abortions medicines, they learn how they are to be administered through online blogs and information. There are many online healthcare experts who are helping women to perform a medical abortion at home. 

As abortion pills are administered, they stop the pregnancy development through hormonal changes. This eventually results in contractions in the lining of the uterus and pregnancy tissues getting removed through heavy vaginal bleeding. If you have taken safe medicines of pregnancy termination and followed every instruction given by experts, the procedure is likely to get complete without any complications. 

Hence, women should be given enough support and rights to perform medical pregnancy termination in times of health emergencies.

This entry was posted in Abortion Pill Information and tagged abortion and COVID-19, Lockdown, medical abortion, Safe abortion, social distancing.