Can I Get into Sexual Intercourse During Pregnancy

Intercourse During Pregnancy


Can you have sexual intercourse during pregnancy? The answer in a nutshell, yes but no. Pretty confusing isn’t it? Well, pregnancy and giving birth to a child is a quite delicate process. If are having a normal pregnancy with a clean reproductive health history, your healthcare provider may node a yes for having sexual intercourse during pregnancy.

This blog explains everything that you need to know about sexual intercourse after you conceive.

When you have a normal pregnancy with no complications involved, it okay to have sexual intercourse since your baby is protected in a warm, cozy and well-protected sac in the womb. Additionally, the strong muscles of the uterus help protect the baby better. The thick mucus plug shuts your cervix to protect your pregnancy from infections.

Some women experience slight movement in the womb after they get an orgasm. However, that’s not as alarming as such. Though your baby will not be harmed and it fine to have sexual intercourse, you have to be a little careful when you perform sexual activities. You may have to make changes in the positions. Especially the missionary position may not work when having sexual intercourse during pregnancy.



In the first few weeks of pregnancy, there may not be any discomfort while getting involved in sexual activities. However, when you’re pregnant with a full-grown baby and you have sexual intercourse, the likelihood of producing labor earlier could be high. Before you decide to have sexual intercourse, kindly inform your healthcare provider as this can be a very subjective case with each pregnancy being different.

Your doctor may advise you to avoid sexual intercourse if:

You have weakness in the cervix.
Your placenta is in the lower area
You have had heavy bleeding during previous pregnancies.
There are signs of vaginal infection.

If your healthcare provider says no sexual intercourse, you are requested to strictly follow the same. No means no! . You may want to understand how your body changes during pregnancy and how having sexual intercourse could impact your body. Here’re a few things you may be interested in.

Women can typically have a low libido during pregnancy due to pregnancy symptoms such as exhaustion, tender breasts, weight gain, mood swings because of the fluctuations.

The missionary position becomes difficult and so when you have sexual intercourse, the female partner may have to be on top.

Tender and increased size of breasts can attract your partner and you may play around other sexual parts of your body.

When you conceive, the blood flow is usually more to the pelvic region and this makes the woman become sensitive around the genitals and the vagina. For some women, this could also bring discomfort when having sexual intercourse.

This entry was posted in Abortion Pills, Women's Health and tagged Abortion Pills Online, MTP KIT, Sex during Prefnancy, Women Healthcare.